The Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat, Kavaratti invites
applications from interested local Scheduled Tribe candidatesUndergoing Training in Handicraft. The selected trainees will eligible for monthly stipend @ Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) only.The details of qualification required etc. are furnished below :
7th Standard Pass.applications from interested local Scheduled Tribe candidatesUndergoing Training in Handicraft. The selected trainees will eligible for monthly stipend @ Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) only.The details of qualification required etc. are furnished below :
Qualifications :
2. No. of Trainees : 5 (Five)/Per Batch.
3. Age : 18 and above.
4. Duration of the Course : 3 Months.
Click Lakshadweep Times (26/8/11) for more