Applications are invited from Male Indian Citizens for filling up the following temporary posts of Constables/Driver and Constable/Driver-cum-Pump-Operator inCentral Industrial Security Force as special recruitment drive for filling up backlog vacan-cies of Sheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classess in the PayBand - 1 Rs. 5200-20200+ Grade Pay Rs. 2000/- plus usual and admissible allowancesto the Central Government employees from time to time. They will be governed underCISF Act and Rules as well as Central Civil Services Rules applicable to other members ofthe Force and other Acts, and Rules applicable from time to time. On appointment theyshall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the "New Restructured Defined Con-tributory Pension Scheme" applicable for the new entrants to the Central Governmentservices w.e.f. 01.01.2004.Age between 21 and 27 years. The crucial date for determining age limit will be the closing date for receipt of application from the candidates i.e. 25.02.2012 includingfor the candidates of North East region.
For more details about CISF, please visit
For more details about CISF, please visit