Refer: F.No. 67/2/S/Ele-2011/ Date 12/03/2012
The Department of Electricity, Union Territory of Lakshadweep inv(tes
application from technically qualified persons for consideration of
appointment for the post of Member in Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum
(CGRF) for Electricity Department for a period of 3 years. The candidate
should possess the following qualifications.
A serving officer of the licensee not below the rank of Executive
A retired person possessing degree in Electrical/Mechanical
Engineering and having at least 20 years of experience in distribution
of electricity.
The retired officials appointed as Member by the licensee shall be
treated as if on re-employment in the scale of pay applicable to them at the
time of retirement.
The eligible candidates who are willing to be considered for the post
shall apply to the Executive Engineer (Ele), Electrical Division, Kavaratti in
plain paper with details, i) Name and address (ii) attested copies of
Educational qualification certificates and (iii) Experience certificates, so as to
reach their applications on or before 31/03/2012 . Applications received
without proof of educational qualifications, experience certificate etc., and
after due date and time will not be considered.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Power) vide Diary No. 2336
dated 8/3/2012.