Administration of the
Union Territory of Lakshadweep
F. No. 1/15/2011-ADM-(MPLADS) Dated : 16.01.2012.
Applications invited from theENT N eligible local candidates for engagement as
"Office Assistant" to MPLADS Section, Collectorate, Kavaratti on a fixed consolidated
remuneration Rs. 8000/- (Rupees Eight thousand) only per month on contract basis for
one year.
1. Name of the Post : Office Assistant.
2. No. of Post : 1 (One).
3. Age : 25 to 40 (Relaxable for SC/ST as per Govt. of India orders.
4.Qualification : Essential : B.Com from a recognized University with
certificate course in Tally.
Desirable : Diploma in Computer Application.
5. Salary/month : Rs. 8000/-.
Application in plain paper with attested copies of certificates in proof of age,
caste and educational qualification etc. should be addressed to the Additional District
Magistrate, Collectorate, Kavaratti so as to reach on or before 16.02.2012. Applications
received without attested copy certificates, proof of age and educational qualifications
and submitted after due date will not be entertained.
This issued with the approval of CDC vide D.No. 14395 dated 31.12.2011.
Additional District Magistrate.