Administration of the
Union Territory of Lakshadweep
Department of Labour and Employment
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Industrial Training Institute
Kavaratti-682 555
F. No. AC/1/2011-ITI/28 Dated : 11.01.2012.
Applications are invited from the eligible local candidates for the post for
engagement on contract basis initially for a period of 89 days and extendable based on
the performance evaluation by the authority concerned or as per the orders/instructions
by the U.T. Administration from time to time till necessity ceases. The criteria and details
of the posts furnished hereunder :-
1. Designation of the Post : Expert Mechanic (Automobile).
2. No. of Post : 1 (One).
3. Age Limit : Below 50 years.
4. Essential Qualifications : 1. (a) A National Trade Certificate or its equivalent in
Automobile/Vehicle Mechanic/Mech. Repair&Maintenance of
Heavy Vehicles/Mech. Repair & Maintenance of Light
Vehicle/Mech. Repair & Maintenance of Two Wheelers/
Mechanic (Motor-Vehicle) trade with at least 2 years
experience in Automobile (repair & maintenance) sector.
(b) A three year Diploma in Automobile Engineering with one
year experience in repair and maintenance of vehicles.
(c) A certificate in Automobile Engineering (2 year course)
issued by any State Technical Education Department with at
least 2 years of experience in Automobile (repair &
maintenance) Sector.
(d) 10th pass with a certification as Mechanic by Reputed
Automobile two wheeler Manufacturing Companies (like Hero
Honda, Yamaha, Bajaj, Suzuki, TVS etc.) & at least 3 years of
experience in repair & maintenance in Automobile Sector.
Failing which (above a,b,c & d):- OR
(e) A trade certificate issued by SCVT, UTL/NCVT in Mechanic
Diesel Trade with 3 years experience in repair and maintenance
of vehicles.
II. Trade test :- A trade test shall be conducted for the first five
merit listed candidates from the whole merit list for selection
to the post.
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the post along with attested
copies of all the relevant testimonials. In the case of Employment Exchange sponsored
candidates for each post should submit attested copies of all the relevant testimonials
after the publication of list of sponsored candidates (if any) in the UTL official website
(ie. to the undersigned by the last date of receipt of applications.
For all the relevant updates & further information in this regard the concerned may
visit the above website or through the above telephone number during office hours.
Application in complete shape should reach Principal, ITI on or before 11.02.2012.